
The guitab line-oriented command interpreter is the intended user interface. It is started by running the following from the command line:

$ guitab

This should display a brief splash screen welcoming you to guitab and drop you to a new prompt that looks like this:


From there, you execute commands to gradually build up your guitar tab. The full list of commands can be displayed by typing help<Enter>.

You can move backwards and forwards in the tab with the commands back and forward, respectively. These commands also accept numerical arguments to specify the number of places to move. After issuing one of these commands, a textual representation of the tab will be printed out, with a * character on the final line indicating where in the tab you currently are.

The whole tab can be printed at anytime (piped through less) with the print command.

Chords are added with the command chord [list of fret numbers].


If instead you want a Python object to store and manipulate tab data, you can use the Tab class. Basic usage along the lines:

from import Tab

my_tab = Tab()
# manipulate tab object as needed